the voice of nature

The state of biodiversity in our polluted ecosystems is dismal. In the Netherlands, almost half of all species are under pressure. This must and can be changed. VPRO Tegenlicht investigates: are we listening to nature and giving it enough of a voice?

High time to give the rudder a good shake and jump into the breach for our ecosystems and biodiversity. If not, the only animals on earth will soon be living in stables. So: how do we stop the decline? How do we bring back wildlife? And how do we ensure that animals can live good lives?

want to watch the documentary outside the Netherlands?

Stephane Kaas

co director USA
Ilja Willems

Arnout Arens 
William de Bruijn 

editorial team
Ilija Bozovic
Mo Jouhri
Tara Vierbergen
Jim Schulpen
Julia Veldman
Paula Witkamp

Remco Bikkers
Diderik Evers
Pim Hawinkels

Gideon Bijlsma
Sander den Broeder
Benny Jansen
Lily van Leeuwen

Tim van der Maden

voice over
Sarah Sylbing

Marie Schutgens 
Zoë de Wilde
Koos van de Merbel 

editor in chief
Geert Rozinga
Jasper Koning

© VPRO 2023