Addis Ababa: Race to Space with Beza Tesfaye

Fifty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon, a new era of space exploration is taking off, which does not only involve states this time, but also private companies.

12 feb.
12 februari 2020
18:30 - 21:30
Vamdas Entertainment, Meganagna, Addis Ababa

Race to Space with Beza Tesfaye

The Backlight team is happy to announce the up-coming Backlight Meet Up on Outer Space, to be held on Wednesday February 12th from 6.30 - 9.30 PM in Vamdas Entertainment in Meganagna. This time we will show a Backlight documentary on the Race to Space, which dives into Space Law and the opportunities that various countries are seeking to exploit the opportunities and resources of outer space. Fifty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon, a new era of space exploration is taking off, which does not only involve states this time, but also private companies. 


After the documentary and break, our guest speaker of the night, Ms. Beza Tesfaye, General Manager of the Ethiopian Space Science Society, will among others reflect on the documentary and on Ethiopia's involvement in Space, with the recent launch of the ETRSS-1 Satellite. After her talk, there will be room for questions and comments by the audience. 

This Backlight Meet Up is facilitated and supported by VPRO Tegenlicht, the Dutch Association in Addis Ababa (NVE) and Vamdas Entertainment. As we are making use of a new venue with more facilities, we have to ask for a small entrance fee of ETB 50 p.p. Vamdas has a good restaurant on the 2nd floor where you can have all kinds of soups, salads, pasta's, pizza's and other dinners beforehand and drinks and snacks during the break and afterwards. If you like to have dinner, make sure to order early enough to not miss the start of the documentary (at 7.00 PM). 
