Sustainalab: Expedition better Netherlands

Join the conversation about the Backlight broadcast 'Expedition better Netherlands.

19 dec.
19 december 2023
12:00 - 14:00
SustainaLab, Matrix ONE, Amsterdam Science Park
Link to the event

about the broadcast

The Netherlands likes to see itself as progressive. However, where we once led in water management, housing, and emancipation, we are now slipping in the rankings. In which countries are they actually doing it better than we right now? VPRO Tegenlicht seeks examples abroad and illustrates, through three powerful ideas, how things can be done differently. What can we learn from projects and people in different locations around the globe? In this meet-up, we will be talking about how The Netherlands can learn from other countries, particularly in the context of living on and around water, such as in Nigeria (Makoko). We will be discussing floating neighbourhoods and, in a broader sense, the changing relationship between humans and water.



The VPRO Tegenlicht edition of December 2023 –  ‘Expedition Better Netherlands’

On December 19, we will be discussing floating neighbourhoods and, in a broader sense, the changing relationship between humans and water. See below for a brief description of the broadcast’s perspective.

In Nigeria, director Clarice Gargard goes to Makoko, a floating slum on the outskirts of the capital Lagos. The metropolis serves as the beating heart of West Africa. It is a place most people in Lagos pass by, an illegal district that local authorities would prefer to erase. Architect Kunlé Adeyemi sees something special in that district, and in how people there live on and with the water. Something we can learn from – along with many other residents of river deltas and coastal cities. Is it possible to have a different relationship with water than controlling it or turning our backs on it? Could we not learn to live much more with and on the water? It inspired Adeyemi to his project Water Cities – designing and building affordable, sustainable, and locally constructed homes and neighborhoods that float on the water.

Check this link to watch the documentary: ‘Expeditie Beter Nederland’

See here for more info about the design: Waterstad Rotterdam

Guest speakers:
Clarice Gargard - VPRO Tegenlicht documentary director/creator 

Piebe Hoeksma - Policy advisor, Dutch Water Authorities:                                               

Harm van der Geest  - UvA Professor                                                                                         

Bart Krull

 The programme:
We start the meet-up with a conversation about the production process of this episode.  Following that, we’ll talk with Clarice that has been visiting Nigeria. She will talk about the documentary making. Piebe Hoeksma will elaborato on the case and how we can learn from different countries and other cases around the world. Harm van der Geest, Assistant Professor of Benthic Ecology at the UvA will talk about the environmental consequences of projects like this. What should we (re)consider in designing and planning? There will also be plenty of time for you to ask questions and participate in the conversation. At the end of the event, a warm vegetarian lunch will be served.

There will be plenty of room for sharing your questions and insights. So join us on Tuesday December 19, 1200-1400h (including warm vegan buffet lunch at 1330).

SustainaLab, Matrix ONE, Amsterdam Science Park 301

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