Sustainalab: The disposable Society

Join the conversation about the Backlight broadcast 'The disposable Society'.

31 okt.
31 oktober 2023
11:45 - 13:30
SustainaLab, Matrix ONE, Amsterdam Science Park
Link to the event

about the broadcast

As the call for sustainability and the preservation of our planet grows, we face a crucial challenge: how do we fix our broken consumption society? VPRO Tegenlicht delves into this pressing issue, following passionate citizens, entrepreneurs, top designers, and recyclers, all working towards a world without disposable waste.



The future affairs platform VPRO Tegenlicht highlights the consumption of stuff such as clothes and electronics in our society. During the Meet Up we will watch short clips of the documentary ‘The Disposable Society’ and discuss the topics above with the line-up of very interesting experts:


There will be plenty of room for sharing your questions and insights.

So join us on Tuesday October 31, 1200-1400 (including buffet lunch at 1330)

SustainaLab, Matrix ONE, Amsterdam Science Park 301


Register via or go to our event webpage for more information.
